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How to fix drywall holes and damage DIY

There are several ways to DIY drywall patching, depending on the size and type of hole you're repairing. Here's a general overview of a few methods:

Small Holes (up to 2 inches in diameter)

For tiny holes or gaps, all you might need is a spackle compound. Apply it with a putty knife, filling the hole until it's flush with the wall surface. Let it dry according to the manufacturer's instructions, then sand smooth before painting.

Self-adhesive mesh patch: These small patches are simple and effective for minor repairs. Clean the area around the hole, then press the patch firmly over the hole.Apply a thin layer of joint compound over the patch, smooth it out, and let it dry.Sand and repeat with a second coat for a flawless finish.

Medium Holes (2 inches to 6 inches in diameter)

Drywall patch:
For medium-sized holes, you can use a pre-cut drywall patch or cut your own patch from a scrap piece of drywall. Cut a patch slightly larger than the hole. If you're cutting your own patch, score a line with a utility knife on the back of the patch about an inch from the edge. Flex the patch to break the scored drywall along the line, creating a feathered edge. Place the patch in the hole and secure it with joint compound. Cover the patch with joint compound, tape the edges with joint compound tape, and add additional coats until the patch is level. Sand smooth between coats and after drying.

Large Holes (bigger than 6 inches in diameter)

Drywall patch with backer board:
For large holes, you'll need a backer board to support the patch. You can use a piece of scrap wood or metal framing. Cut the backer board slightly smaller than the hole opening. Place the backer board in the opening and secure it with screws or drywall clips. Apply mesh drywall tape over the hole and framing, then cover it with joint compound. Add a few coats until the area is flat, sanding in between each coat for a smooth finish.

Here are some additional tips for successful DIY drywall patching:
• Use a utility knife to clean and square the edges of the hole before patching.
• Apply the joint compound in thin coats and let each coat dry completely before sanding.
• When sanding, use a sanding sponge or fine-grit sandpaper to avoid damaging the surrounding drywall.You can use a damp rag to clean the area around the patch before painting.

For more detailed instructions and helpful visuals, you can also find many DIY drywall patching tutorials online [YouTube drywall patching]
Seth Peek Owner/Sales Manager

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